Next 50
Next 50 project focus on projection mapping on black and white printed images at the celebration of Chef José Andrés’s 50th birthday and the amazing relief work of World Central Kitchen at The Shed. The surfaces that we projected onto were shipping crates that World Central Kitchen uses to deliver food to disaster-stricken areas.
I designed the animation using projection mapping over printed images, depicting the story by contouring the shape of the person in black and white to reveal it in full color with motion graphics and bring the story to live.
I designed the animation using projection mapping over printed images, depicting the story by contouring the shape of the person in black and white to reveal it in full color with motion graphics and bring the story to live.
Design Lab at Rockwell Group
Role Visual Designer
Scope of Work Art Direction, Motion, Exhibition
Client World Central Kitchen
Location The Shed at Hudson Yards, New York
Installation & Event
Selected Press
10/03/2019 — “Next50 - Chefs for the Future of Disaster Relief & Climate Resiliency”
10/04/2019 — “Hudson Yards — José Andrés World Central Kitchen Next 50”
10/04/2019 — “The Farmshelf corridor dubbed the “Garden of Eden” by Katie Couric at the Next50 event celebrating the work of José Andrés and World Central Kitchen.”